Inspired Action Vs. An Action Journey

Inspired Action Vs. An “Action Journey”
– feeling inspired
– hearing your inner voice be your best cheerleader
– seeing the results of your efforts even beyond your wildest dreams and expectations
One of the most interesting things I have learned in recent years (pertaining to The Laws Of Manifestation) is the difference between an “action journey” and inspired action.Here are the characteristics of each:


  • Feels forced
  • You are probably either using or thinking the word “SHOULD”
  • You feel “obligated” to take this action
  • Feels like swimming upstream
  • Lowers your vibration or does not change your vibration


  • is Fun!
  • You feel Inspired to take this action.
  • You WANT to take this action!
  • Feels like swimming downstream
  • And most importantly, raises vibration therefore shifting your point of attraction
    But, but, but, you may say, I have things to do, that I HAVE to do, like paying taxes or dealing with an ex-spouse, or working to pay the bills. We understand! This isn’t about becoming a Peter Pan, and shirking the responsibilities of adulthood. It IS possible to shift your FEELINGS about a particular task from one of an action journey, to one of absolute inspiration. I have even done it with my taxes :).
  • Here are some ways you can transform from any task from an  “Action Journey” to “Inspired Action”
  • 1) Wait until you feel inspired. I know this was one of my fears upon making the shift from taking Action Journeys to Inspired Action. I feared I would lay in bed all day and do nothing 🙂 This never actually happened though, because it is our purpose for coming here to expand and evolve. What tends to happen instead was that I would meditate or otherwise do what it took to relax myself and get myself in a good space, and usually, the answer, and the inspiration, would just bubble up to the surface through my allowance of it. It is my belief that the answers to everything that we could ever want lay out there in the Universe, and we just need to find a process to connect to and allow those answers to show themselves
  • 2) NLP – There are Neurolinguistic Programming Techniques  you can use to shift your state from un-inspired to inspired, in minutes, or even seconds! Email us at to inquire about this.
  • 3) EFT – Sometimes we get blocked by negative emotion or past experiences and/or beliefs and we can’t find our inspiration. This is where EFT With Source Technique™ comes in – It is by far the best technique I have ever seen for discovering and releasing the root cause of any problem. The best part is, a good practitioner will do this in a loving, skilled way that feels nurturing. If you would like to explore the possibility of how to shift your state from unmotivated to absolutely inspired, email me at and put “I’d like to feel inspired” in the subject line. I will send you some available times for a complimentary Discovery session within 48 hours.

Speaking of EFT, often in my EFT trainings my mentor would tell us “you will know when it is the right decision because it will feel both peaceful AND compelling.”
By The Way, EFT With Source Technique Training is coming up! I know many of you have asked about this unique and valuable training program. I will only be offering this once or twice per year, so be sure to click on the link below and register if you want to be sure to become a Certified EFT With Source Technique™ Practitioner in 2014!
Click here to learn more and register. Be sure to apply no later than March 7th, 2015,  to get accepted in the program!

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