F*ck The Gremlins…

I often talk about the growing pains that come with a decision to up level your life, how every time we decide to step out of our comfort zone, all the gremlins that need to be seen and released will come UP so they can come OUT. Sometimes, this will take a strange form such as an odd distraction (noise, relationships conflicts, weird issues. legal stuff, etc.), or for some people, it can manifest as louder negative chatter, self-doubt, anxiety, insecurities, imposter syndrome, etc.
What I am learning is that this process is NORMAL and that we need to be able to recognize it for what it is, and even MORE importantly, DECIDE to choose peace. I won’t get into the metaphysics or implications of this right now because truth be said I have got to finish a member site this week, BUT – we are human. Even if our souls/spirits know that what’s happening is in our best interest and that it’s all tending in our favor and working out for our highest good, our human emotional bodies may still feel discomfort or even pain and we need to acknowledge, feel, process, and heal our wounds and fears in order to truly let them go. In the interest of authenticity and transparency, I am feeling it today. I have made some STRONG decisions to up level my life this year complete with specific plans and dates on calendar, and so far this year is off to an AMAZING start. Lots of amazing souls signing up for the “Make 2019 Your Best Year Yet – Your Vision Board and Beyond”, group programs are filling up, and my calendar is booking up with private clients FAST. This isn’t counting the HUGE up level we decided to embark upon last year in the form of buying property and becoming owners. So, the gremlins are SCREAMING and the distractions are OFF THE CHAIN (to the point of ridiculousness).
Fortunately, I have one of the best spiritual mentors on the planet,  and she is teaching me what these distractions really are. In truth, they are just parts of my mind that don’t believe I am worthy, deserving, etc. of having ALL of this that I have and am manifesting (a great partner, marriage, life purpose, career, abundance, peaceful living situation, book publishing opportunities, etc.). What I am seeing on the outside, is just showing me what needs healing on the inside. The Universe simply functions as a mirror for our own thoughts, feelings, vibrations, etc. –  in particular, our subconscious beliefs. It is law of attraction police shining a big, glaring light on what needs to be seen and transformed or released. 
There are many modalities that can help us identify, sort through, and release our subconscious blocks and gremlins. I have exactly 22 certifications in different modalities that help us do this, and they can all work, and of course some work better than others, for different people, in different situations, at different times. I have my personal favorites, but the most important thing here isn’t which tool or modality we choose.
The most important thing is that we DECIDE to choose peace; to crack open the door for healing,- which is all that is required for us – and to be willing to give our tough life situations and unhealed thoughts over to something greater than us for healing.
The willingness to heal and the decision to choose peace is one of – if not the single most important decision – we will ever make. Once we do that, the right mentors, situations, tools, etc. tend to suddenly flow into our existence, because we are ALWAYS sorting based on our beliefs (according to neuroscientists, 90% of what is actually there gets deleted from our minds, the 10% we see tends to reflect our subconscious belief systems).
All that being said, will you join with me today in deciding to choose peace for yourself, for me, and for everyone on the planet?
The decision to CHOOSE PEACE is one of the most powerful ones you can make.
I love you. Thanks for reading.
Jennifer Gaynor-Yaker, Cht, is an LA Life Coach, Psych-K practitioner, NLP and EFT practitioner and instructor at the Mastery level, manifestation coach, dating and relationship coach, and productivity and performance coach. She is also an author and speaker and the co-founder and CEO of Conscious Life Coaching, and their dating division, Joytopia™ Coaching. To inquire about working with Jennifer email support@conscious-life-coaching.com with the subject line, “I’d look to book a discovery session”.
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