
What is Psych-K? 

As popularized by cellular biologist Bruce Lipton, Psych-K is a very quick, painless, safe. and easy way to reprogram new, more empowering beliefs into your subconscious mind in as little as 5 minutes.


Looking for a Los Angeles Psych-K facilitator? We are here, you have found us! If you are ready to schedule a Psych-K session with us,  simply click on the button below, create a free account, and use our handy online scheduler to set up your session. 

***Please note*** While we are LA Psych-K practitioners, we work with people all over the world via video chat. 

If you need more support scheduling a session, please email for assistance.


  • a non-invasive, interactive process of change with a proven record of success for over 25 years!
  • a simple, yet powerful process to change subconscious beliefs that are self-limiting and self-sabotaging
  • a unique blend of various tools for change, some contemporary and some ancient, derived from contemporary neuroscience research, as well as ancient mind/body wisdom
  • a groundbreaking approach to facilitating change at the subconscious level where at least 95% of our consciousness operates.
  • a process that transcends the standard methods of visualization, affirmations, will power, and positive thinking especially effective in the areas of behavioral/habit change, wellness and stress reduction

Consider this: 

“All paths have to navigate through the “roadblocks” of the subconscious mind. Often the subconscious is like a mine-field of limiting beliefs and old outdated “programs” that are no longer worthy of who you are, or who you are becoming. These limiting subconscious beliefs affect all aspects of your life including; your relationships, self-esteem, financial prosperity, career choices, even your health and fitness. PSYCH-K helps you clear a safe path through those “roadblocks” to a new place of expanded potential in every area of your life.”

What are the benefits of Psych-K?

We tend to be/do/have/attract into our lives whatever is going on in our subconscious mind. Think of your mind as the master copy in a copy machine – unless you change the master copy, you will keep getting the same printout! You can also think of it as a computer software program, since that is very much how our mind functions. In order to create rapid and lasting transformation in your life, you will need to clear out any “viruses” (negative beliefs/programming) that are causing you to self-sabotage or underperform, and in place reprogram new, more empowering beliefs into your subconscious mind.

Quite simply, Psych-K is the fastest method we have ever seen to reprogram subconscious beliefs very quickly.

PsychK will help you rapidly transform the limiting beliefs that are holding you back from your dream life. Learn to align yourself on all levels!

Why do Psych-K? 

Quite simply, Psych-K can help remove the blocks and help you become a stronger magnet for what you want to be, do, or have in your life.

How can I get started?

The first step is to schedule a free Discovery Session – simply click on the link below to schedule your session.

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